Weasel Nomads.... a Bastard Child of Weasels USA Upcoming Events, Events That Are Over, Photos Of Events... Fuk, I need a beer!
Portland Weasels Bash 2010.... for Weasels and their guests......
"We're not here for a long time, we're here for a good time!"
Click on the Jug to see Portland Weasel Bash Photos -->
"I Didn't Have any Fun... That Sucks!" Fat Tire BFC - Portland Bash 2010
Next Stop..... the Nashville Weasel Booze Cruize!
"Come Party Weasel Style September 16th thru 18th 2010 in Tennessee"
Click the Booze Cruize Logo below for more information
<--Click on the Weasel for Nashville info!
Booze Cruize Nashville
August 7th thru 15th.... Sturgis South Dakota
RUN 21
July 23rd thru 25th 2010 Birkenfeld Oregon
<-- Click the Weaselette for Photos..
"Every Bar on the Right" Fun!
"Weasel God" on his throne
The "Weasel God's" Ride... "Dixie"
Don't Forget Weasel Wednesday at Sturgis! Wednesday the week of Sturgis at Elk Creek Steakhouse in Piedmont <-------- Click Weasel Wednesday for Info and Directions
Click Claydog for Sturgis Photos!
Run 21 "Every Bar on The Right" Crew
Sturgis Fun.....
"Jawz" - Nashville
"Panhead Fred" - Alabama
Weasels at Broken Spoke
With TC & Unk at the flop house...
Nashville Booze Cruise 2010 was off the FUK'N hook! It doesn't get any crazier then this!
<------ Click the weasels for photos!
<------ Click the "boobies" for more photos!
Chas.... Keeper of the Unk!
Unk... Center of the NEMO Vortex!
Scooby.... Vortex keeper & Doo'er of the Scooby!
"Nashville Quotables"
"I thought it was pie...."
"I need a tow truck."
"You know, a vagina renews itself every 7 days."
"It might seem at first I'm a people person, but I'm really not."
" I met him on craig's list... fuk you guys, it's not like that!"
"More Nashville Quotables"
"Fuk you Happy Jack... Fuk you Happy Jack... Fuk You Happy Jack...
"Fuk you Fuk'n Dave"
"Lt. Dan... You got no legs!"
"Is that Stumpy? I didn't think he rode drunk!"
"Look what I can do with a fat chick and a straw." That never gets old.....
The wonderful & Beautiful Pleazr at the Pie Tasting....
Scooby the Lurker...lol someone's ass... Jawz ... Wiz